What’s new at FIRSTCALL

Stress can pack on pounds

Some people respond to impending deadlines, financial problems, relationship meltdowns, and other difficulties by eating less. But if you respond to added stress by eating more, you could end up with added pounds. Fortunately, you can take steps to avoid stress-related weight gain. To begin, consider which of the following behaviors you’re prone to, and [...]

Could your child have a drug problem?

Many parents blame themselves when faced with the possibility that their child may be using drugs. But most experts recommend that parents worry more about helping the child, rather than trying to figure out the reason for the behavior. Children who use drugs often exhibit certain behaviors: Isolation. They want to hide the effects, the [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:51-04:00August 31st, 2012|Substance abuse, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Talk with your kids about these issues

Talking with your child about drugs, alcohol and tobacco is tough. But you can't afford to ignore these topics. Children learn about these substances and feel pressure to use them at a very young age. If you have children, it's hard not to worry. But don't panic—and don't ignore the subject. Instead, if your child [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:51-04:00August 30th, 2012|For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Substance abuse/chemical dependency

The main words used medically to describe substance abuse or addiction include the following: Substance (drug) abuse (alcohol or other drugs). Substance abuse is the medical term used to describe a pattern of substance (drug) use that causes significant problems or distress, such as failure to attend work or school, substance use in dangerous situations [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:51-04:00August 30th, 2012|Substance abuse, What's new at FIRSTCALL|

Dealing with anger

It's normal to feel angry or frustrated when you've been let down or betrayed. But anger and frustration don't justify violent action. Anger is a strong emotion that can be difficult to keep in check, but the right response is always stay cool. Here are some ways to deal with anger without resorting to violence: [...]

2020-03-22T22:34:52-04:00August 29th, 2012|Anger management, For parents, What's new at FIRSTCALL|
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