For employers

Why people procrastinate

What makes you procrastinate? All of us procrastinate on occasion. For some people, it's a chronic problem; for others, it's only a problem in certain life areas. Procrastination is always frustrating because it results in wasted time, lost opportunities, disappointing work performance, and generally feeling bad about yourself. When you procrastinate, you allow less important [...]

Employee assistance programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are one of the most effective ways to deal with alcohol and other drug problems in the workplace. They can enhance the work climate of an organization and promote the health and well-being of everyone involved. EAPs are usually multifaceted programs designed to assist employees with personal problems that affect their [...]

The Americans with Disabilities Act: a primer for small business

Small businesses are an ever-increasing source of jobs, many of which can be filled by individuals with disabilities who are able and want to work. The approximately 25 million small businesses in the nation represent 99.7 percent of all employers, employ more than 50 percent of the private work force, and generate more than half [...]

When should a supervisor intervene

Anyone can experience difficulty in the workplace. Supervisors need to be alert to difficulties which may become persistent performance problems. When obvious changes in behavior and performances occur, it is time to utilize FirstCall, your Employee Assistance Program. Absenteeism __  Unauthorized leave __  Leaving work early __  Excessive sick leave __  Peculiar excuses for absences [...]

21 ways to say “well done”

I’m proud you’re on my team. Congratulations on a terrific job. You’re so helpful. Thank you. You continually improve. Well done. Thanks so much for your consistent effort. I really admire your perseverance. Your cheerful mood lifts the team’s spirit. You’re a champion. Wow, what an incredible accomplishment. Great effort. You make us all look [...]

Still wearing the ‘kick me’ sign

The bully has left the playground and moved to the cubicle next door. Bullying is a common, and in many cases accepted, part of work. Many of the behaviors resemble school-yard battles of old, but the stakes-health, well-being and employment status-are much higher. There is no playground monitor to intervene… Read the rest of this [...]

Facts about sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably [...]

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